The following is an
excerpt from The Plateau Effect: Getting from Stuck to Success by Bob
Sullivan and Herbert Thompson.
We all hit plateaus
from time to time.
Plateaus rob you of success. They make hard
work worthless. They turn beginner’s luck into sophomore slumps. They can even
make you look lazy, dumb, careless, or unloving. You
aren’t any of these things. You’ve just been fighting an invisible enemy.
We believe the
Plateau Effect is a law of nature, as real and as impactful as gravity or
friction. It’s built directly into the genetic code of our bodies, and into the
planet we inhabit. The Plateau Effect explains why the world is full of
one-hit-wonders, why all good things come to an end, why all trends eventually
fall, why most people get less for more, and how you can break through, again
and again.
If you’re stuck, one of these devils is
probably to blame. Remember, what helps you break
out of your plateau today will one day stop working – and you’ll have to try another
method. Breaking through plateaus requires constant recalibration – it takes a
little of this and a bit of that. In the list below, we show you what “this”
and “that” really are for you, today, and into the future.
Element 1: Immunity
People, relationships, businesses and even
physical processes become immune to the same techniques, the same approaches,
the same solutions. Immunity is perhaps the most basic force of
the Plateau Effect. Everybody has experienced what it’s like to become immune to
something: maybe it’s the complements of your spouse, the smell of garlic at an
Italian restaurant, or the effects of your second beer. Immunity can be
frustrating – what worked so well yesterday just won’t work today.
Solution: Diversity
Immunity’s Kryptonite is diversity. You’ve got to shake things
up and be radical. Trying different approaches, techniques or procedures can
shake you out of an immunity plateau.
Element 2: Greedy Algorithm
The greedy algorithm is a concept borrowed from the field of
mathematics. Here’s how it works: you always pick the best short-term solution
and ignore the long-term outcome. As it is in mathematics – and in life – the
best short-term solution hardly ever leads to the best long-term outcome.
Solution: Extend your
gratification horizon
Short-term greed is bad but long-term greed is actually good. To
get beyond the greedy algorithm, you need to think about solutions on a bigger
timescale. Someone following the greedy algorithm (driven by short-term greed)
would never go to medical school – the student is building debt with no income
year after year. Someone who’s thinking about a 10-year horizon instead of a
1-2 year horizon sees the six-figure checks that will eventually start coming
Element 3: Bad Timing
If you’re working hard but you’re stuck in a plateau, maybe it’s
as simple as taking a break. When you do something – and more precisely, when
you don’t do something – is critical. The key is to take control of when you
apply effort, not just how much effort you apply.
Solution: Wait
If bad timing has you stuck in a plateau, remember, the periods
of rest and inactivity are just as important as the periods of great effort,
just as silence between the notes is part of the music. If you use time as a
tool, you can literally wait your way out of a plateau.
Element 4: Flow Issues
Whenever things seem to be sailing along, sometimes the engine
just breaks down. Specifically, you can run into one of four dysfunctions:
Erosion: Sometimes we deplete the resources that
we need to be successful. Maybe we run out of capital, or time, or skilled
workers. When you hit an erosion plateau, progress tends to degrade slowly as
some critical resource is gobbled up over time.
Solution: Find a
counterbalance, something that replaces the resource you consume. If you can’t
find a counterbalance, you might not be in a plateau at all. You may have
reached a terminal point.
Step Function: Sometimes you want to
add just a little more of something, but that thing is only available in
bundles. The result is a jump in cost, effort, or benefit. We call these things
“step functions.” If you aren’t aware that something you need follows a step
function, you can hit a plateau because incremental investment won’t lead to
incremental improvement.
Solution: Try to smooth
out your step function. Sometimes this can be done by identifying some other
person or business that has complementary peaks to
your own. If you can pool your resources, you can share the cost of the step
and make it look more like a comfortable ramp.
Choke points: A choke point is the
part of the system that breaks first and slows everything else down. Failing to
identify a chokepoint can bring a gushing flow to an unexpected trickle.
Solution: The trick is to find
out where the choke point is and creatively route your way around it.
Element 5: Distorted Data
We often react based on distorted data. It’s like walking
through a hall of mirrors, and basing a major decision on the crazy fat (or
skinny) image you see. Sometimes we measure the wrong things or inappropriately
assess risk. In other cases, we fall victim to common psychological errors with
data, such as overreacting to the most recent piece of information we’ve
received, we get hung up on sunk costs, or we conform to what we think the data
is telling us.
Solution: Recognize the signal, ignore the
The Enlightenment brought us the scientific method because smart
people realized that they couldn’t trust their own eyes. The key is to boil out
the impurities of data and recognize that you are looking through a lens that
might be deceptive. Each type of distortion has its own remedy, but the tie
that binds them is to look for a ground truth of data amidst the chaos.
Element 6: Distraction
It’s easy to fall victim to the illusion of multitasking and
become distracted. Distraction is the enemy of adaptation and can lead you
straight towards a plateau. How do we know when and what we need to change to
live in a world of unrelenting distraction?
Solution: Radical Listening
It’s a mode of active engagement, where you are attuned to your
surroundings, listening, and adapting.
Element 7: Failing slow
Failing slow is natural because it’s difficult
to tell that a situation is incrementally getting worse. Often the incremental
worsening of a situation happens slower than what psychophysicists call thejust noticeable difference. The just noticeable
difference helps explain why we continue forging ahead when we’re in the throes
of a plateau – we just don’t realize how much less we’re getting for our efforts.
Solution: Fail fast
Once you understand the just noticeable difference you can counteract its
effects. By setting clear markers, you can objectively see how you’re
progressing, figure out what’s working and what’s failing, correct it and move
on. It’s important to realize if your efforts will eventually fail by
accelerating failure. This ability to fail fast is key, especially when the
problems are changing quickly.
Element 8: Perfectionism
Perfect is the enemy of good. The desire for perfection kills
beginnings – it’s never the right time to start, and even if you do, a task is
never complete because it is held up to an impossible standard. A plateau of
perfection is similar to a plateau of inaction.
Solution: First Steps, etc.
Accept that perfection isn’t achievable. Focus
on taking first step, and then the next step. There are some tricks that can
help, such as structured procrastination & setting hard (but
liberating) deadlines. Understanding why we reach a plateau can help us stop
wasting time on things that we’ve stopped getting value from and focus on other
things that leverage our time and energy better.
of being stuck on a series of plateaus, you’ll find yourself scaling mountains
that always seemed far out of reach. And when you reach the peak, as all
mountaineers know, you’ll see there are always new mountains to climb. This
time, however, you won’t feel like you’re going in circles. You’ll be going up,
and up, and up.
Those who master The Effect, who can identify
a plateau and break through, will leave one-hit wonders in the dust.
Bob Sullivan and Herbert Thompson are the authors of The Plateau Effect: Getting from Stuck to Success. With more than 40 years of experience between them researching,
writing, and analyzing systems and human nature, their new book
helps you bust through the
plateaus in your own life.
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